Online Workshop for LATAM - Miami Fl - October 2020
Google Slides:¡Más que una Herramienta de Presentación!
Private School - Miami Fl - August 2020
Google Meet and Jamboard for the Virtual Class.
Online Workshop for LATAM - Miami Fl - August 2020
Aprende a Crear tu Sala de Clases con Bitmoji + Google Slides
Online Workshop for LATAM - Miami Fl - August 2020
G-Suite: Aplicaciones Educativas de Google
Online Workshop for LATAM - Miami, Fl - August 2020
Herramientas Digitales: ¡Capta la Atención de tus Estudiantes!
Upstate Technology Conference, Greenville, SC - July 2020 (Cancelled)
VoiceThread: The Power of Multimedia in the World Language Classroom
Future of Education Technology Conference - FETC - Miami Beach 2020
Google Tour Builder in the Language Classroom: Building Cultural Connections
Google Slides Infographics: Retaining Language Learning with Visual Aids
Super Charge Language Learning with Google Slides
Florida Foreign Language Association Conference - Orlando 2019
“Google Sites: Creative Tool For The Language Classroom” & “Super Charge Language Learning with Google Slides”
International Society for Teaching in Education - ISTE - Philadelphia 2019
“1,2,3: You Are Live On Air From the Language Classroom” - Podcast
Future of Education Technology Conference - FETC - Orlando 2019
VoiceThread: The Power of Multimedia in the World Language Classroom
Florida Foreign Language Association Conference- Orlando 2018
Upstate Technology Conference, Greenville, SC - July 2018
American Council of Teaching Foreign Languages- Nashville, November 2017
Disclosure: Some of the above presentations have been created in collaboration with Mrs. Kelly Fykes, dear colleague and friend.